Koseka SP 2020 Training for Jepara Regency - News - BPS-Statistics Indonesia Jepara Regency

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Koseka SP 2020 Training for Jepara Regency

Koseka SP 2020 Training for Jepara Regency

August 25, 2020 | Other Activities

The implementation of the September Population Census (September SP) is not a matter of time. The war drums are beating. The preparations are matured.

Like other census or survey activities, SP September officers are also provided with training through prior training. Although the training is online.

The District Census Coordinator is conducted through Zoom Meetings, while the census officers are taught independently through TVRI and RRI.

The Koseka training in Jepara was conducted in 2 batches. Batch I on August 18-19 2020 consisted of 2 classes, with 20 students each, with Innas Kharis Komaruddin, S.ST, M.Stat and Agus Winyarto, S.ST.

While the second batch on 23-24 August 2020 consisted of 1 class, with 20 boarding school participants, with Innas Agus Winyarto, S.ST.

The training was officially opened by the Head of Central Java Province BPS, Sentot Bambang Widoyono online. Training batches I and II were conducted virtually with Zoom Meetings through distance learning (e-learning) and were attended by all of the Jepara Regency Koseka as many as 60 people. Although virtually, the implementation of health protocols is still enforced.

The role of Koseka will later be as coordinator of the implementation of Census activities at the sub-district level, where its functions include coordination functions, supervising field activities, and checking results. Therefore, it is hoped that Koseka will be able to carry out its duties as a census coordinator and be able to coordinate the implementation and census officers in each sub-district.

Even though with the changes that have occurred due to the Covid-19 pandemic, namely learning that is carried out virtually, this has not dampened the enthusiasm of Koseka colleagues to take part in the training until it is over.

Keep spirit! The enthusiasm for changes for the better so that the implementation of the September 2020 Population Census can run smoothly and successfully.

May Allah SWT always provide protection, health and convenience in carrying out our duties at every step. Aamiin.
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