Jepara District Census Night Briefing - News - BPS-Statistics Indonesia Jepara Regency

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Jepara District Census Night Briefing

Jepara District Census Night Briefing

September 15, 2020 | BPS Activities

Before carrying out the sweeping, the Head of BPS for Jepara Regency, Manggus Suryono, who was accompanied by the Head of Social Statistics, conducted a briefing by giving directions to the SP2020 Task Force team with assistance from security forces (police, Satpol PP and Dinsospermades) regarding the implementation of the Census Night.
Exactly today, September 15, 2020, is a Census Date or Census Night. The day when BPS will simultaneously deploy the SP2020 Task Force Team to carry out sweeping and data collection for homeless people, people who do not have a permanent place to live (including people with mental disorders) and crew of Indonesian flagged ships.

 In Jepara Regency, Census Night will be held tonight on 15 September 2020 at 21.00 WIB until 16 September 2020 at 06.00 WIB with sweeping locations at identified points. The Task Force Team is divided into 2 (two) teams, namely the North Team and the South Team. The North Team traveled to the districts of Jepara, Mlonggo, Pakis Aji, Bangsri, Kembang, Keling and Donorojo. Meanwhile, the South Team combed the districts of Batealit, Tahunan, Kedung, Pecangaan, Kalinyamatan, Mayong, Nalumsari and Welah.

In implementing Census Night, all team members continue to apply the health protocol. This activity is intended so that no residents are missed in the SP September 2020.
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