Implementation of Computer Institution Functional Competency Test - News - BPS-Statistics Indonesia Jepara Regency

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Implementation of Computer Institution Functional Competency Test

Implementation of Computer Institution Functional Competency Test

October 13, 2020 | Other Activities

The Central Bureau of Statistics (BPS) as the advisory agency for the Functional Computer Administration on October 13, 2020, held an online statistical and Computer Administration functional competency test simultaneously throughout Indonesia.

On this day there was 1 participant from an agency in the Jepara Regency area who took the Computer Institution Functional Competency Test at the BPS Hall, Jepara Regency.

Test participants are accompanied by 1 supervisor from BPS Jepara Regency and monitored directly through a zoom meeting from BPS Central Java Province. Also present at the monitoring zoom meeting were representatives from BPS RI.

Participants who are candidates for young expert computer administrators solve questions smoothly without any internet connection problems.
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