Meeting for Consolidation and Reconciliation of Results of the 2020 Population Census Korwil Pati - News - BPS-Statistics Indonesia Jepara Regency

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Meeting for Consolidation and Reconciliation of Results of the 2020 Population Census Korwil Pati

Meeting for Consolidation and Reconciliation of Results of the 2020 Population Census Korwil Pati

November 18, 2020 | Other Activities

Wednesday, November 18 at the New Merdeka Pati hotel, 6 District BPS, namely Grobogan, Blora, Rembang, Pati, Kudus, Jepara, held a Consolidation and Reconciliation Meeting of the 2020 Population Census Results of the Pati Regional Corps.

The thing that was discussed was the evaluation of the results of the September 2020 Population Census in the Pati residency. The data on the results of the September 2020 SP were compared to SUPAS 2015, SP 2010 and Dukcapil data.

Each district BPS was asked to make a presentation on conditions in their respective areas. Then they will be given input and discussed together.

This event resulted in conclusions regarding matters that were jointly guided regarding the September 2020 Population Census at Korwil Pati.
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