KICK OFF POTENTIAL VILLAGE (PODES) 2021: Building Indonesia from the periphery into one unit - News - BPS-Statistics Indonesia Jepara Regency

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KICK OFF POTENTIAL VILLAGE (PODES) 2021: Building Indonesia from the periphery into one unit

KICK OFF POTENTIAL VILLAGE (PODES) 2021: Building Indonesia from the periphery into one unit

May 31, 2021 | Other Activities

Monday, May 31, 2021, the Central Statistics Agency (BPS) kicked off the 2021 Village Potential Data Collection (PODES). The event was led by the Head of BPS RI, Kecuk Suhariyanto accompanied by the Deputy for Social Statistics, Ateng Hartono and the Director of Social Resilience Statistics, Hermawanti Marhaeni, and witnessed by all BPS employees, including BPS Jepara Regency and PODES partners/officers virtually via youtube. Starting on June 2, 2021 for approximately one full month, BPS will conduct PODES data collection. PODES is a collection of data on the availability of infrastructure and the potential possessed by each administrative area at the village/kelurahan, sub-district, and district/city levels throughout Indonesia. The implementation of the PODES data collection, precedes the Census activities that will be carried out by BPS. PODES data collection in 2021, which is ahead of the 2023 Agricultural Census. Meanwhile, in years where there is no PODES implementation, BPS does Updating PODES. PODES data collection using the Android-based CAPI application, inspection and monitoring using an online web application. PODES data is very important for development planning, monitoring, and evaluation, as well as formulating focused policies such as the Village Index by Bappenas and the Geographical Difficulty Index as an allocator of Village Funds by the Ministry of Finance. In this year's PODES implementation, PODES Modernization was carried out according to the latest technological developments by taking into account the existing constraints so that data collection carried out in the midst of this pandemic can run smoothly to produce quality, accurate, up to date PODES output, and describe the field situation in order to meet the needs of data users. . Ending his remarks, the Head of BPS did not forget to emphasize the need for good cooperation from all parties to produce quality PODES data and appealed to officers and parties involved to continue to comply with health protocols at every stage of its implementation.
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