Announcement of SP2020-Long Form Recruitment Officer Phase 2 at BPS Jepara Regency - News - BPS-Statistics Indonesia Jepara Regency

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Announcement of SP2020-Long Form Recruitment Officer Phase 2 at BPS Jepara Regency

Announcement of SP2020-Long Form Recruitment Officer Phase 2 at BPS Jepara Regency

July 2, 2021 | Other Activities

Candidates for officers who have passed the administrative selection as many as 335 people will follow the next stage. This stage is in the form of an online written test. All prospective officers took the pretest through the LMS (Learning Management System) on June 29, 2021. Of all the participants who took part, 278 officers were declared to have passed the selection by the committee. The list of names of participants who passed can be seen on Pengumuman Rekrutmen Petugas SP2020-LF Tahap II link.

Participants who pass in stage 2 must follow the next selection stage, namely the interview test which will be held on 6-8 July 2021 with a predetermined schedule. For prospective employees who have the status of employees / workers who have superiors, please complete a permit letter at the following link

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