Termination of Long Form SP2020 Activities - News - BPS-Statistics Indonesia Jepara Regency

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Termination of Long Form SP2020 Activities

Termination of Long Form SP2020 Activities

July 15, 2021 | Other Activities

The situation of the Covid pandemic is getting worse day by day. Even on July 14, 2021, 54,517 new cases were added (kawalcovid19.id). This is of course the main thing to be considered in the implementation of routine activities of the Central Statistics Agency. The health and safety aspects of employees, statistical partners and the public during the COVID-19 pandemic are paramount.

     Referring to the Letter of the Head of BPS RI as Budget User 
No. B-191/1000/PR.00/07/2021 regarding the 2021 Budget Refocusing, the Long Form 
SP2020 activities are stopped. BPS Jepara Regency expresses its gratitude and high appreciation for your participation in
the Long Form SP2020 officer recruitment process. We always look forward to
your support in the implementation of the census and survey activities
conducted by BPS Jepara Regency. Therefore, the Jepara Regency BPS stated that
the recruitment process for the SP2020 Long Form officer candidates was stopped as the letter from the Head of BPS Jepara
Regency is attached.
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