Changes in Employee Performance Targets (SKP) - News - BPS-Statistics Indonesia Jepara Regency

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Changes in Employee Performance Targets (SKP)

Changes in Employee Performance Targets (SKP)

July 16, 2021 | Other Activities

Monday is a moment to pump up the enthusiasm of the employees at BPS Jepara Regency through a morning rally. The Monday morning rally is one of the routine activities at BPS Jepara Regency as a means to internalize bureaucratic reform. Although the apple was held virtually through the zoom application, all employees were enthusiastic about participating in the activity.

        At the rally on Monday, July 19, 2021, the supervisor of the apple, namely the Head of BPS Jepara Regency, conveyed several things related to changes in the SKP (Employee Performance Target). SKP is a performance target made by each employee before the activities for the year start running. The change in the SKP is a form of employee performance management reform. SKP which was previously made for activities in 1 year, is now divided into the preparation of SKP per semester. The SKP in Semester 1 of 2021 still refers to Perka BKN NO. 1 of 2013, while SKP in Semester 2 of 2021 refers to PP 30 of 2019 in conjunction with PermenPANRB for SMK PNS. The new SKP format is more performance oriented.

       In a pandemic condition, the work will still be carried out even though it must go through the WFH (Work From Home) system considering the extension of the PPKM. Surveys on Community Behavior during the Covid Pandemic were also carried out to find out trends in community behavior. The survey was carried out from 13-20 July 2021. In addition, administrative management improvements were also improved through data updates on the BKN application. Every business process during the Covid pandemic has changed a lot. All of these things ultimately lead to the improvement of the Central Bureau of Statistics services as a provider of quality data for all.

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