Filling in the State Civil Apparatus Wealth Report BPS-Statistics of Jepara Regency employees - News - BPS-Statistics Indonesia Jepara Regency

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Filling in the State Civil Apparatus Wealth Report BPS-Statistics of Jepara Regency employees

Filling in the State Civil Apparatus Wealth Report BPS-Statistics of Jepara Regency employees

January 10, 2022 | Other Activities

The State Civil Apparatus Wealth Report is one of the things that must be filled out by the State Civil Apparatus every year, not least at the Jepara Regency BPS. Based on information from the General Head of the BPS-Statistics of Jepara Regency Subsection as of 10 January 2022, all BPS-Statistics of Jepara Regency employees have reported their assets through the website.

Reporting on state apparatus assets is one of the strategies for preventing corruption and an indicator in the integrity zone. This asset reporting includes movable and immovable assets which are wholly owned by the state apparatus. Including the wealth of the wife/husband and children who are still dependent, this filling is also a form of transparency of the State Civil Apparatus in the context of building integrity, as an effort to prevent abuse of authority, prevent and eradicate corruption, collusion and nepotism.

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