January 14, 2022 | BPS Activities
The geography of Jepara Regency, which
includes an archipelago, sometimes makes the implementation of data collection
a little bit difficult. As usual, every month from 1-20, hotel survey officers
(VHTS) must collect data on the occupancy rate of the hotels or inns that are
the sample of the survey. For the 2021 data sample, 41% of the VHTS samples are
in the Karimunjawa sub-district. This happens because there are many hotels or
inns and it has become one of the favorite tourist destinations.
In addition to carrying out statistical
activities in Karimunjawa, VHTS officers also have to carry out other tasks
according to the assignments given by BPS-Statistics of Jepara Regency.
However, sometimes when officers have to cross to Karimunjawa they are
constrained by crossing facilities. The ferry boats do not operate according to
their schedule due to high sea waves. The lack of certainty when the ship will
depart is a common thing faced by statistical officers in Karimunjawa District.
Humans can only plan, God determines everything.
Finally, on January 14, 2022, BPS-Statistics of Jepara Regency VHTS
officers were able to cross to Karimunjawa to collect data on hotel occupancy
rates for December. We express our gratitude to the respondents and those who
helped facilitate data collection in statistical activities carried out by BPS-Statistics.
BPS-Statistics Indonesia
Badan Pusat Statistik Kabupaten Jepara (Statistics Jepara)Jl. Ratu Kalinyamat Komplek Perkantoran 59419 Jepara
Telp/Faks (62-291) 591119
Mailbox : bps3320@bps.go.id
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