National Labor Force Survey February 2022: Fast Processing Census Blocks Must Be Priority - News - BPS-Statistics Indonesia Jepara Regency

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National Labor Force Survey February 2022: Fast Processing Census Blocks Must Be Priority

National Labor Force Survey February 2022: Fast Processing Census Blocks Must Be Priority

January 26, 2022 | BPS Activities

On January 25 – 26, 2022, for 2 days, training for the National Labor Force Survey February 2022 was held at the Hall of BPS-Statistics Jepara Regency. The first face-to-face National Labor Force Survey training has been conducted since the COVID-19 pandemic, of course with the implementation of strict health protocols. The number of trainees was 10 officers, namely 3 Supervisor and 7 Enumerator with a task load of 3 Census Blocks (BS) for each Enumerator.

At the opening of the activity, the Head of BPS-Statistics of Jepara Regency reminded that qualified human resources are the source of producing quality data. The leadership also advised all prospective officers that all stages of implementation must be carried out according to the established SOP framework, the conveyor belt process must be considered, health protocols should not be ignored and time management must be managed properly considering that it is currently the rainy season and other obstacles to be minimized. so that activities are expected to be completed on time. The training went well and smoothly, the participants had active discussions equipped with role playing to hone the skills of the officers in asking and understanding the Sakernas questionnaire.

The sample at the BPS-Statistics of Jepara Regency is 21 BS, 3 of which are fast processing BSs, meaning that the 3 BSs must prioritize implementation for all stages of activities, including updating, household sampling, enumeration, processing, and sending the data. The rapid processing BS aims to obtain early indications and changes in strategic employment indicators (such as the range of  Open Unemployment Rate and other employment indicators) at the national level.

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