Announcement of Administrative Selection for LFSP2020 Officer Candidates for 2022 - News - BPS-Statistics Indonesia Jepara Regency

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Announcement of Administrative Selection for LFSP2020 Officer Candidates for 2022

Announcement of Administrative Selection for LFSP2020 Officer Candidates for 2022

March 21, 2022 | BPS Activities

During the Long Form SP2020- staff recruitment activity at BPS Jepara Regency, registration for stage 1 is open from March 14-17, 2022. Officer recruitment activities in stage 1 are the administrative selection stage. Only participants who meet the requirements and administrative completeness are declared to have passed the selection by the committee. Of the many participants who registered, there were 325 participants who passed the administrative selection stage. The list of names of participants who have passed can be seen at the following link. Announcement of the Administration Selection Officers Long Form SP2020. Participants who pass in stage 1 must follow the next selection stage, namely the Long Form SP2020 written test which will be held on March 22, 2022.
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