Beautiful Village Socialization 2022 - News - BPS-Statistics Indonesia Jepara Regency

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Beautiful Village Socialization 2022

Beautiful Village Socialization 2022

March 28, 2022 | Other Activities

The Central Bureau of Statistics of Jepara Regency is committed to fostering sectoral statistics by being a resource person at activities organized by the Department of Communications and Information Technology of Jepara Regency, namely the Socialization of Village Sector Statistics with the theme Beautiful Village. The activity took place on March 21-24, 2022 at the Shima Building which invited all village officials in Jepara Regency.

As a form of implementing the health protocol, the activity was divided into 4 waves with each wave lasting 1 day. In wave 1, the activity was attended by participants from Jepara, Mlonggo, Tahunan and Batealit Districts. In wave 2, participants from the Pakis Aji, Pecangaan, Kalinyamatan and Kedung sub-districts participated in the activity. In wave 3, the activity was attended by participants from the Mayong, Nalumsari and Welahan sub-districts. While in wave 4, the activity was attended by participants from Bangsri, Kembang, Keling, Donorojo and Karimunjawa sub-districts.

Through this activity, it is hoped that village officials can better understand the importance of having accurate data. The final output of this activity is the availability of data which will be inputted through the Persada application developed by the Department of Communication and Information of Jepara Regency.

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