Long Form Activity for the 2020 Population Census of Jepara Regency - News - BPS-Statistics Indonesia Jepara Regency

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Long Form Activity for the 2020 Population Census of Jepara Regency

Long Form Activity for the 2020 Population Census of Jepara Regency

May 15, 2022 | BPS Activities

The Central Statistics Agency is holding a major activity, namely the Long Form Population Census Data Collection 2020 (LF-SP2020). The activity was simultaneously carried out throughout Indonesia. This activity aims to collect more complete data not only related to demographic parameters, but also related to education, disability, employment, and housing. The stages of these activities include updating and enumeration activities. The updating activity will take place from 15-31 May 2022 using the PAPI (Pencil and Paper Interviewing) method.

   The LF-SP2020 is different from the September Population Census. In LF-SP2020, after updating the household, a sampling will be carried out. Each census block that is the working area of ​​LF-SP2020 will be sampled as many as 16 households. The selected sample will be collected using the CAPI (Computer Assisted Personal Interview) method. The data collection activity was carried out from 1-30 June 2022. Koseka's assistance in the early stages of activities was important in order to realize quality data.
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