LF SP 2020 Data Analysis and Quality Field Report May 2022 - News - BPS-Statistics Indonesia Jepara Regency

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LF SP 2020 Data Analysis and Quality Field Report May 2022

LF SP 2020 Data Analysis and Quality Field Report May 2022

June 1, 2022 | Other Activities

In line with the vision of BPS 2020-2024, namely providing quality statistical data for advanced Indonesia. Quality assurance is essentially an early warning system or as an early warning in the field if it is not in accordance with the predetermined Operational Standards. Risk mitigation is very important in order to deal with things that are not in accordance with the concepts and definitions in the field. Referring to the UN-NQAF Manual for Official Statistics, it is committed to realizing BPS as a world class. Based on the UN Recommendations in the Principles and Recommended for Population and Housing Census, it is necessary to have a PK LF SP 2020. The 2020 Population Census is the seventh Population Census since the independence of the Republic of Indonesia. Population Census data such as: Population Number, Population Composition, Fertility, Mortality and others are very vital in formulating development policies and other policies related to the indicators produced by the Population Census. In the SP 2020, which is continued from May 15 to June 30, 2022 which includes updating and collecting sample household data. In a series of updating activities from 15 to 31 May 2022, of course, data quality must be guaranteed. The implementation of Quality Assurance updates is carried out in 34 provinces and 40 regencies and cities throughout Indonesia with a total sample of 2 Census Blocks consisting of 60 households. PK Officer Updating directly from BPS Republic of Indonesia. PK officers from BPS RI carried out PK updates from 9-24 May 2022. Two areas affected by the sample in Central Java Province were Demak Regency and Surakarta City. On Tuesday, May 24, the PK BPS RI officers held an exit meeting through the Zoom Meeting facility regarding the findings in the field that must be considered. Some of the findings are as follows:

1. PPL who don't wear a face shield

2. Coordination Team Assistance to PPL

3. Signing of the Kortim Contract

4. PPL Task Equipment in the Field

5. Number of discrepancies in identification of family presence

6. Number of non-compliance with KK/KRT identification

7. The number of discrepancies in the amount of food/drink processing and the needs in the family

8. Number of non-conformities in the incidence of deaths in the household since January 1, 2017

9. The number of mismatches in the position of the building, the serial number of the building on the LF SP2020-P with the WB-2020 map.

After the exit meeting process, namely the presentation of the findings of the PK team in the field, the Jepara Regency BPS formulated a follow-up for the LF SP2020 Update PK by the LF SP 2020 Team Data Management field, BPS Regency Jepara and inputted through ICS by the LF SP2020 Team Data Quality and Analysis Division at Regency BPS Jepara on May 24, 2022. Follow-up instructions were given to the Koseka from May 26 to 29 through the Kaizala control card.

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