IPA Central Bureau of Statistics ranks 2nd Nationally - News - BPS-Statistics Indonesia Jepara Regency

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IPA Central Bureau of Statistics ranks 2nd Nationally

IPA Central Bureau of Statistics ranks 2nd Nationally

September 5, 2022 | Other Activities

One of the components that determine the assessment of BPK's opinion on an agency is the IPA (Asset Management Index). The index is a composite index that takes into account the average parameter index of four strategic targets which include accountable and productive BMN management, BMN management compliance with laws and regulations, Effective Supervision and Control, and Reliable Administration.

IPA is one of the indicators that shows accountability in the management of State Property. BPS got an achievement in the Management of State Property (BMN) with the 2nd best IPA nationally under the Ministry of Finance. This achievement triggers the spirit to continue to improve and increase accountability in the management of BMN.

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