Refreshing for 2023 Food Crop Statistics Survey Officers - News - BPS-Statistics Indonesia Jepara Regency

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Refreshing for 2023 Food Crop Statistics Survey Officers

Refreshing for 2023 Food Crop Statistics Survey Officers

November 23, 2023 | Other Activities

As a form of BPS Jepara Regency's commitment to achieving data quality, one way is by increasing the competency of officers in carrying out data collection. This is implemented through Refreshing activities for Food Crop Statistics Survey Officers. This activity was carried out on 21-22 November 2023 at the Hotel D'Season Premiere Jepara and was attended by 34 officers consisting of 15 organic employees and 19 partner officers.

This series of activities was filled with material about KSA (Sample Area Framework) both from the concept of definition and application use. The material presented by the resource person, namely Mr. Suhardiman, S.E, thoroughly combines theory and practice in the field. This practical activity was carried out on day 2 with emphasis on the technique of tiling rice and secondary crops. The hope is that there will be a Refreshing activity for Food Crop Statistics Survey Officers in 2023.

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