Statistical Survey of Savings and Loans Financial Institutions - News - BPS-Statistics Indonesia Jepara Regency

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Statistical Survey of Savings and Loans Financial Institutions

Statistical Survey of Savings and Loans Financial Institutions

July 26, 2021 | Other Activities

Data collection activities carried out by the Central Statistics Agency can be in the form of a census or survey. One of the surveys conducted by BPS is the Statistical Survey of Savings and Loans Financial Institutions with one of the respondents being cooperatives. Cooperatives are understood as legal entities founded on the principle of kinship. Adhering to the principle of people's economy, the establishment of a cooperative is aimed at the welfare of its members. Therefore, all profits earned by the cooperative will be managed for the betterment of the cooperative's performance and distributed to active members. The established cooperative has a legal entity. Legal Entity Number is the identity given by the Ministry of Cooperatives and Small and Medium Enterprises (formerly the Ministry of Cooperatives and Small Business Development).
                    The survey of Savings and Loans Cooperative Financial Institutions is carried out every year with a different sample each year. In 2021, the total sample of the Savings and Loans Cooperative Survey in Jepara Regency is 25 main samples spread across all sub-districts in Jepara Regency. The sample list used consists of the Main Sample List (DSPU) and the Substitute Sample List (DSPP). The survey was carried out from May to June 2021.
                    The data needed in the survey include the year of establishment of the Cooperative, Legal Entity Number, Cooperative Network, Form of Cooperative, workers and employee remuneration, Company Profit/Loss Balance, Balance Sheet as of December 31, 2019 and 2020. Considering the data is needed as planning material and evaluation of development, then the accuracy of filling in accordance with the details required with the actual situation. Respondents' participation becomes important as an ingredient in determining policies.


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