Strengthen Coordination to Build the Nation - News - BPS-Statistics Indonesia Jepara Regency

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Strengthen Coordination to Build the Nation

Strengthen Coordination to Build the Nation

October 18, 2022 | BPS Activities

In order to support the implementation of the 2022 Socio-Economic Registration Activities (Regsosek), BPS Kabupaten Jepara coordinates with various stakeholders involved in these activities. BPS Jepara Regency cooperates with SKPD (Regional Work Unit) within the Jepara Regency Government. This support also includes video coverage of the PJ Regent of Jepara's Support. The coverage also involved the Public Relations Team from the Department of Communications and Information Technology of Jepara Regency.

In addition, the Jepara Regency BPS coordinates with the Jepara Regency Resort Police and the Koramil. It is hoped that with stronger coordination with related parties, it is possible to minimize obstacles in the field during the implementation of the 2022 Regsosek in Jepara Regency.

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