Briefing Updating PODES 2020 - News - BPS-Statistics Indonesia Jepara Regency

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Briefing Updating PODES 2020

Briefing Updating PODES 2020

June 17, 2020 | BPS Activities

Wednesday (6/17) briefing was updated on Village Potential (Podes 2020) in the BPS Hall of Jepara Regency. This activity was attended by all participants consisting of enumerators and supervisors. This briefing was led by Head of Social Statistics Paranto, SE, M.Si and Social Statistics Section Staff Ardita Mukti WL, S.ST.
The briefing event began with a general briefing on updating PODES 2020 by the Head of Social Statistics and continued with the installation of the PODES application on android officers and PODES supervisors by the Social Statistics Staff. This year's Updating PODES will continue to use the CAPI system.
The purpose of the Podes 20120 activity is to update data, develop village data and calculate Geographical Difficulties Index. It is hoped that the data collected from Podes 2020 can be utilized and published.
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