Beautiful Village Development: Socialization and Launching of the Sicantik Application - News - BPS-Statistics Indonesia Jepara Regency

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Beautiful Village Development: Socialization and Launching of the Sicantik Application

Beautiful Village Development: Socialization and Launching of the Sicantik Application

November 10, 2023 | Other Activities

The 2023 Beautiful Village Development in Jepara Regency will last for almost 3 months. During this time period, BPS Jepara Regency implemented Selbina (Tuesdays for Fostering Beautiful Villages) every week. The activity stages start from identifying potential data in the village. The theme raised in the 2023 Beautiful Village Development is the Use of Socio-Economic Data in Villages.

The final output from the Beautiful Village Development is the use of the Sicantik application. The launch and socialization of the application will be held on November 8 2023 at the Kedungcino Village Office. The event was attended by the Head of Jepara District, several Village Heads in Jepara District along with the Beautiful Village Agent. With a total of almost 60 (sixty) participants, the application launch went smoothly. With this application, it is hoped that it will be able to help the Beautiful Village Agent in Kedungcino Village to compile data and utilize the data as a tool in development planning.

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