The 2024 Market Directory Updating Training (UDP-2024) - News - BPS-Statistics Indonesia Jepara Regency

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The 2024 Market Directory Updating Training (UDP-2024)

The 2024 Market Directory Updating Training (UDP-2024)

May 16, 2024 | BPS Activities

On Thursday, May 16 2024, the 2024 Market Directory Updating Training (UDP-2024) was carried out for Jepara Regency. This training was held online via the Zoom platform and was attended by 15 participants, consisting of 3 Field Inspection Officers (PML) and 12 Field Enumeration Officers (PCL) and guided by the national instructor, Nugraheni.

The training was opened by the Head of Jepara Regency BPS, Manggus Suryono. In his speech, Manggus emphasized the importance of compliance with Standard Operating Procedures (SOP) and the schedule that has been set. He also reminded the participants to always maintain the quality of the data collected, because this data will be the basis for policy making regarding people's markets in Indonesia. Manggus hopes that with this training, the participants can carry out their duties better and more accurately.

The 2024 Market Directory Updating (UDP-24) activity itself has the main objective of updating the list of people's markets spread throughout Indonesia. This updating is carried out by making direct visits to people's markets based on the Statistical Working Area (Wilkerstat) framework. Through this activity, it is hoped that complete and up-to-date market data will be obtained, including market names and addresses, number of markets by type, as well as general market profile information and characteristics of market managers. This data is very important to ensure that the existence and conditions of the people's market can be properly monitored.

This training is expected to improve the skills and knowledge of PML and PCL in carrying out the task of updating market directories. With guidance from Nugraheni, training participants were given material on effective data collection techniques, the use of survey tools, and how to overcome various challenges in the field. Apart from that, this training also provides space for participants to discuss and share experiences, so that they can learn from each other and improve the quality of their work. With this thorough preparation, it is hoped that UDP-24 activities can run smoothly and achieve their goals.

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