MANUFACTURER PRICE SURVEY - News - BPS-Statistics Indonesia Jepara Regency

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November 25, 2021 | BPS Activities

Prices at the producer level as price leaders in the trading chain need to be monitored to obtain price information at the next level. Producer Price is understood as the price received by the producer from the buyer for a unit of goods, excluding transportation costs. Building Producer Price and Producer Price Index (PPI) data is the answer to the demand to separate wholesale price data and producer prices. The objectives of these activities include:

1. Build a comprehensive integration of price statistics data in the Directorate of Price Statistics

2. Knowing price behavior from producer to retail level.

3. Sharpen the composition of commodity packages so that they reflect the true potential of each region (province).

4. Standardize the presentation of statistical data on producer prices in accordance with international references

Scope Respondents are selected producer companies in 33 provinces covering Agriculture, Mining and Quarrying, Industry and Construction Sector. The commodities surveyed are commodities specified in the Construction Special commodity package. The survey was conducted on 58 types of commodities which are grouped into 24 groups of goods.

The companies selected as respondents are producing companies with legal entities (PT, CV, NV, Firma) that produce the types of goods specified in commodity packages, selling their products in large quantities to wholesalers or other companies, except for household consumers. In addition, the prioritized respondents are those who produce and sell many types of commodities. Each commodity is represented by more than one respondent. In practice, respondents can be replaced if the company is closed or inactive. Or the Company switches business to other types of commodities that are not in accordance with the commodity package. So it is necessary to find another company that is equivalent and sells the same type of commodity. If this is not possible, respondents are allocated to other districts/cities. The sample allocation in Jepara Regency was 30 respondents. The survey period is carried out on the 1-15th of every month.

The Producer Price Survey is solely used for statistical purposes and the data will be presented in an aggregated form. This survey is guaranteed by Law No. 16 of 1997 concerning Statistics which guarantees the confidentiality of individual data. Therefore, the respondent is obliged to provide information according to the actual situation. This survey is free of charge and has nothing to do with taxes. Thank you to all respondents to the Producer Price Survey in Jepara Regency for providing timely data, your participation is needed for future development planning.

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